AGNA MMC has been representing IPSO in Azerbaijan for more than 10 years now. In 2016, the company founded a subsidiary (Agna Inc) in order to expand their business to Turkey. Over the past few years, Agna became the leading Azeri company in laundry solutions, both Vend and OPL. Main focus in the laundry business is laundromats, dry cleaning centers and commercial laundries.
Aghsin Ali, CEO of the company, is proud to have IPSO in his portfolio. “IPSO has the best value-quality standard products available in the industry. The direct support we get from various departments is unique and makes communication smooth and fast.” Aghsin underlines that this kind of cooperation is not only valued by Agna team members, but also by our customers, as all involved benefit from this way of interaction. “We hope to represent IPSO many more years!”
Their best-selling IPSO machines are the 18 to 60kg soft-mount washers and 17-54kg DR tumble dryers, but also the semi-commercial equipment and small cylinder heated ironers have been selling well so far.
Aghsin concludes by looking to the future. “As 2020 has been a rough year for all of us, the covid pandemic has obviously also been pushing back some laundry projects, but the trend is positive again and we are optimistic about the regain of sales in the next few months”.